Approved By AICTE New Delhi, Govt. of MP & Affilied By RGPV, Bhopal 9001:2008 ISO Certified Institute

Objective -

We are a mission-driven institute and envisage some core objective for our student. They are:

  • 1.) To provide uniform professional education and training to all, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, province, faith, gender, political affiliation and financial status.

  • 2.)To produce graduates having firm foundation of mathematical, scientific and technical knowledge and are equipped with problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills that will serve them throughout their professional life.

  • 3.) To produce graduates having the ability to successfully pursue careers as entrepreneurs or engineers in service industry (IT) and infrastructure sectors in private, public and government enterprises.

  • 4.) To produce graduates having the ability to successfully pursue advanced studies in engineering of different specialized engineering disciplines; or in other diverse fields.

  • 5.) To produce graduates those have the ability to assume professional leadership roles.

  • 6.) To undertake and encourage research in the context of present and future requirement of engineering discipline.


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